Using hurricane straps is a great way to reinforce your roof during a hurricane. Strong winds can lift your roof off the house if it’s unattached to the frame. Twisted metal sheets, known as hurricane straps or clips, secure your walls to the roof beams. Reinforce the rafters and trusses with construction adhesive if your roof is already attached.
Hurricane roof reinforcement is essential for the survival of your building during a hurricane.
Winds up to 190 mph (74 to 306 kph) can destroy an unreinforced roof. Wind uplift can even completely remove the roof, damaging property below. When you install hurricane roof reinforcement, you’ll be able to minimize the damage and save money on repairs after a hurricane.
Hurricane straps are metal straps that secure the rafters to the walls and prevent the roof from detaching. This kind of reinforcement can save lives, especially in areas where hurricanes are common. You can buy hurricane straps at any hardware store. Once you have them installed, make sure you check the installation. This way, you’ll know for sure if your roof has hurricane straps. If not, you’ll be able to decide if this option is right for your home. ARP Victoria
While hurricane roof reinforcement can help your home in a hurricane, it’s not a permanent fix. A professional roofing contractor can recommend the best course of action for your home. In addition to adding reinforcement, you can also consider installing extra panels or two-by-fours. However, you should remember that hurricane roof reinforcement is not a substitute for strong walls.
Hurricane roof reinforcement can also help you to reduce the damage caused by strong winds. By ensuring the roof is protected during a hurricane, you’ll be able to avoid the roof from detaching. If you have a wood-framed building, hurricane straps can help prevent the roof from tearing off and leaving the building open to storm surge. ARP Austin
Hurricane ties can also help with the weight distribution on the roof. They connect the wooden roof joists with the supporting beams, creating a continuous load path that runs from the roof down the wall to the foundation. Hurricane ties are also useful for tying metal members of the walls to the roof rafters and ridges.
Install hurricane straps inside or outside your home by removing most of your soffit panels. You’ll also need to have your roof inspected before installing hurricane straps. Having your roof checked by a professional is much cheaper than dealing with a storm.
Hurricane ties come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Make sure they fit the rafters and trusses. Hurricane ties should be installed on one or two straps per joint. Determine the length of each tie based on your roof size and soffit thickness. A licensed civil engineer or carpenter should install the hurricane ties. If you’re unsure about installation, you can watch a video that will walk you through the process. ARP Homepage
Hurricane roof reinforcement is a good idea to avoid any future problems with your roofing system. During hurricane season, you should inspect your roof at least once a year. Hurricanes can damage your roof by high-speed winds. This can lead to a series of other problems with your roof. If you don’t repair the roof, you’ll risk future damages and higher insurance costs.